11. What is the best use you can think of for snow?
When it snows everyone has their own preference of what they like to do with it. Some like to go outside and build a snowman or fort, some like to toss snowballs at one another, while some would rather be inside, next to a fireplace, while they watch the snow fall. For me, the snow’s greatest purpose is sledding. After the first big snow fall of the season, my siblings, my friend, Agata, and her sister, some neighbors, and I all gather at the dead end of my street to sled. One house down from my own is a gated area for collecting water. Technically, it is illegal to enter the area, but the gate is broken, allowing people to enter. The area has contains many hills and slopes that are perfect for sledding during the winter. Even though people are not supposed to go into the area many people in the neighborhood do when it snows, and we aren’t hurting or disturbing anything so it hasn’t been a problem. Sledding is always so much fun there. Everyone who gathers competes to create the steepest and most twisty slopes. Agata’s dad always creates huge
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Christmas gifts that mean the most to me are ones that feel personal. The gift doesn’t necessarily have to be personalized; the fact that someone looked at something and thought of me make it special enough. Works of art are also Christmas gifts that are very special to me. Being an artist myself, I know how much time and effort goes into creating a work of art, so it makes me feel very good when someone puts their time into something for me. Even if a piece of art looks random or impersonal, it is almost impossible to make an impersonal piece of art with someone specific on your mind. Subtle details will be incorporated even subconsciously. In reality, it doesn’t matter what the gift is, any Christmas gift I receive is special to
Have you ever heard about the Iditarod?The Iditarod is very important to mushers.The dogs pull the Iditarod along.The mushers can’t compete if their dogs get hurt.The Iditarod is a significant event because it shows the history of Alaska, It preserves the trail,it shows respect for all those who died carrying the disease cure,and it saves the sled dog cutler.
how long does the Iditarod trail sled dog race take to finish? where does it go? what's with all those dogs? these are all questions you might have about the Iditarod.
Have you ever went to bed hoping that you could wake up to a foot of snow? Every now and then we just need a snowday to sleep in and hangout with friends. I can give you the power to change the weather at your command. With my new invention, County Snow Machine 200, you simply turn it on and watch the magic happen.
Imagine this, you walk outside on a frigid Tuesday morning and school is cancelled. You don’t want to take the time to walk all the way to your garage to get the sleds so you go to your closet and get out your Super Speedy Sled that is so easy to put together and small enough to put in your closet. “The Super Speedy Sled will be something worth my money and time” 10th grader Taylor Lamey said.
When it comes to bob-sledding there are 4 main aspects of a team winning or losing. Acceleration, Drag, Friction and Momentum.
I have gone on a vast amount of trail rides with several different horse. This ride was the first time I had ever taken D. D. (Deanna's Delight) out on one. This trail ride will not ever be able to forget.
Ski racing is an adrenaline pumping, fast paced, awakening sport, that happens to have an uncommonly high rate of injury. Ski racing has always been a somewhat dangerous sport in which it is not a surprise when a downhill skier suffers a serious injury. This being said, there is a lot more progress to be made to reduce the frequency of injuries in ski racing. There are many studies being done to see exactly how dangerous ski racing is and many more to see how to reduce the rate of injury. Regulations implemented to the sport in recent years have helped to lower the frequency of injuries significantly; however, there is much more work to be done.The research done by the British Journal of Sports Medicine showed that almost every World Cup/
According to the Farmers’ Almanac, “winter is back.” This upcoming holiday season will not only be numbingly cold in the Great Lakes, Northeast and Midwest, it is going to be downright frigid. Jack Frost may have been on vacation last year but this year’s predictions says otherwise. So, be prepared for the weather ahead of you by ensuring you and your vehicle are up to the many challenges the snowy, inclement weather throws at you.
In my life I have spent a great deal of time in northern Minnesota. That is the home of most of my family. There was a time that I lived up there, but due to constant changes in the world of lumber and saw mills, I have had to move. Every trip up back to the place I called home, we would see a large hill. It was a ski area. This place was a symbol for how close we were until I got to see my family. Under more scrutiny, I have discovered that it more than just a ski hill. This hill is called Spirit Mountain. This large hill contain multiple burial sites, and was used by the Indigenous group, the Anashaanabe.
Ever heard of snow tubing? Snow tubing is like extreme sledding. You are in a tube, and you et plunged down a large hill. It’s is very fun, but also quite dangerous. You should never stand up on your tube, while going down. You should not have more than one person in a rube, and wait until the person before you is out of the way before you go down. Avoiding these risks will keep you safe, sand you’ll still have tons of fun. Down to go snow tubing, you still need to wear the right gear. You will need a heavy coat, socks, snow pants, a long sleeved shirt, boots, gloves, a hat, and a scarf. These will keep you warm. Depending on how step the slope is, you’ll need a helmet as well. Now go have fun!
Snowboarding is one of the most enjoyed international pastimes. It presents you with this feeling of freedom and raw power as the cold air hits your face while you carve down the almost vertical mountain face dropping over steep clips and carving trough trees. These are just a few reasons why so many people internationally flock to the mountains to partake in this sport. Snowboarding provides people an escape from there comfort zone by pushing them to take on risks they would never have thought off before.
I have been snowboarding since 2005, and since then I have been passionate about the sport. When i’m not snowboarding, I like to watch snowboarding; when i’m not watching snowboarding, i’m probably just adding things to my Burton shopping cart and wishing I was a pro so that I could afford them.
On Sunday, January 10th, over twenty Spartans hit the slopes of Winter Park to for Ski Club’s first trip of the year. Members enjoyed the winter conditions and the company of friends throughout the day. Ski Club hopes to build upon the trip’s momentum and provide more opportunities for Spartan’s to ski throughout the year.
When people are on winter break, most want to go out and play in the snow, but who knew that the snow could be one's worst nightmare when stubbornness comes into play. Most people go out on an enjoyable snow-white day to sled down snowy hills and fling semi-hard snowballs at each other. No one would think that maybe sledding down the snowy hills could be so dangerous when they are having fun, and trying to show off. I certainly did not think that it was dangerous, but boy was I so wrong. Normally being a Los Angeles girl, going up to Big Bear is such an amazing experience, because down in the Los Angeles region it does not snow at all. However, I was not ready to face what was slowly going to change me in the mountains of California.
Snow tubing is a fun winter sport that many people participate in. However, in order to have a great time with your friends in the snow, you should wear the correct clothing and equipment. You also need to know what not to wear while snow tubing. If you are using a special lift for tubing, you want to make sure you are not wearing any loose clothing that will get caught. For instance scarves, or loose show laces.