
Sleep Disorder

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Ugonna Onyekachi Mr. Thompson PSY.150.4140 28 August 2015 Sleep disorder At one point in time everyone may have difficulties in sleeping. However, if you cannot shut your eyes for a nap or even get a deep sleep, then you may be struggling with sleeping disorders. These signs can manifest through the feelings of exhaustion despite sleeping for eight or more hours. Dozing off and nodding off during the day may also be experienced during work or study. Such a problem may be the result of health conditions such as depression, which often causes sleeping disorders. Sleep has an essential role in health and well-being throughout one’s life. Receiving enough and high-quality sleep can help boost your physical, social, and mental …show more content…

This goes against the biological clock and affects normal sleep. Medication may also be another cause of lack of sleep. Many types of medications can interfere with the normal order of sleep and either cause little to no sleep or excessive sleep. Aging also leads to sleeping challenges. Research has revealed that more than a half of individuals aged of 65 years and above experience some kind of sleeping disorder. It is however not well known if it is a normal part of aging or a result of other factors. Categorization of Sleeping Disorders Sleeping disorders can be widely categorized into parasomnias and dyssomnias and other difficulties that are caused by medical and psychological conditions such as bruxism, which causes involuntary clenching of teeth while sleeping or delayed, sleep phase disorder (DSPD). DSPD is defined as the inability to fall asleep and wake up at normal accepted times (Mignot & at al. 10072). Insomnia Insomnia is the phenomenon of failing asleep that impact on functional impairment all day long. Insomnia has three classes which include intrinsic, extrinsic, and pathologic conditions. Intrinsic conditions are those conditions that arise from within the body. Extrinsic can be regarded as the environmental aspects of insomnia. While pathological conditions involves disturbances related to the circadian rhythm and the body’s biological system (ADAA, 2). Parasomnias are divided into a number of

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