
Sleepy Hollow Essay

Decent Essays

Even though in the story and in the play of The legend of Sleepy Hollow they were doing the same story, there was differences. For instance there was differences in the setting, the plot, and more. There is even differences in the characters of the story. You might be thinking there can’t be differences, it is the same story, but there is. For a start, the setting is different in the story than in the play. In the story they developed the scenery with imagery and set the scene for us beforehand. However, in the play they went straight to the house and we didn’t even get to see the town, or the mood of where they lived. In the play it was more about the story and not setting us up for it, not letting us get the background of the story. …show more content…

In the story the plot is set with Ichabod having trouble getting to the bridge and when he finally gets there he turns the wrong way and almost falls off his horse. In contrast, the play the plot wasn’t set with him getting to the bridge, and he did not even turn the wrong way, or almost fall off his horse. Instead they set it up with him almost getting the girl and then losing her to Brom. Although they have differences when you look they do have some things that turn out to be the same. For example, both the story and the plot consist of Ichabod hearing the stories and being frightened and they both have that he is in love with Katrina, and in both he sadly loses her. Finally, we can find differences in the theme of the story and of the play. To start of with, the stories theme was that you should not listen to scary stories because your fear will always “kill” you and let you picture things that are not there. Conversely, the theme of the play is that you will not always get what you want, but you should always try. Comparatively, they both have the theme of don’t stress out too much about anything because it will overwhelm you. To sum up, even though the story and the play are both of the Legend of Sleepy Hollow, they have differences in everything. No one may think of this, or think it is possible, but they do. Of course, they do have similarities

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