
Slimming Smoothie Recipe

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When it comes to weight loss, some detox juice recipes are better than other. If you want to slim down, make juices with fat-burning ingredients like ginger, turmeric, and cayenne pepper. Choose fruits and vegetables that are low in sugar and contain digestive enzymes, vitamins, and minerals. Avoid using cow's milk or yogurt in your smoothies while on a detox diet.

This creamy smoothie recipe will boost your weight loss efforts and keep hunger at bay:

Slimming Smoothie Recipe

• 2 golden apples
• 1/3 medium cucumber
• 1 lime, peeled
• 2 celery stalks
• 1 piece of ginger (2.5 - 3 cm long)
• 1/2 avocado
• Ice cubes

Juice the apples, cucumbers, ginger, lime, and celery. Mix the juice with avocado and ice into a blender until smooth. This smoothie has a thick consistency and can be served as a meal replacement for breakfast or as a pre-workout treat. When consumed before exercise, it will turn your body into a fat burning machine. To fully reap its benefits, drink one or two glasses a day. …show more content…

This smoothie is not only delicious, but full of nutrients that will boost your energy and speed up fat loss. The vitamins and minerals in this beverage will reset your system to crave healthy foods. Avocado, one of its key ingredients, is the only fruit containing large amounts of monounsaturated fat. It also provides over 20 micronutrients, such as vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and K, folate, and potassium.

The healthy fats in avocado protect your heart and lower bad cholesterol levels. They also increase satiety and help preserve muscle while on a low calorie diet. Avocados are rich in fiver, so they can help you feel full faster and longer. These fruits contain zeaxanthin and lutein, two carotenoids that are essential to eye

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