
Small Deaths

Decent Essays

The distinction between the plot and story of a film can be difficult to distinguish. These elements both play an important role in communicating the movie maker’s ideas to the viewers. However, the key differences between the plot and story of a film revolve around their main functions and based on how they interact with the key components of the narrative. The plot of a film lays out all of the events that take place in the exact order presented and can utilize a variety of developmental elements to move the film from the beginning to the end. The story of a film is the culmination of the plot, along with additional inferred information that was mentioned implicitly or explicitly throughout the film in chronological order which illustrates …show more content…

The plot is broken up into three different section and shows the protagonist Anna Marie as three different ages. This is a simple example of a temporal plot gap. The plot doesn’t provide any information in between the different sections to give any insight on what took place in Anna Marie’s life throughout the years that passed. This is an example where the plot gap doesn’t get a resolution and the event is completely disregarded. The story can only be created in a viewer has something to base an inference off of in order to fill the plot gap. The exclusion of this information allows the viewer to recognize that the time she aged in between the sections is not relevant to the overall story and shows that there are more important aspects of the film to focus on in order to reveal the whole story. Another instance in this film that illustrates the distinction between plot and story involves the use of parallelism. In the second section of the film there is a scene Anna Marie watches over a cow as it dies. The camera cuts to a close up of the cows eyes tearing up and then to a close up of Anna Marie’s eye tearing up. The similarity of the angle at which Anna Marie and the cow were filmed signified that there was something important to be taken away from that scene because it put so much focus on those two subjects. This was not explicitly presented in the plot, but the use of parallelism to focus the viewers’ attention to Anna Marie and the cow in that moment was an indicator that the scene was relevant to the

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