
Smartphones Impact On Society

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Smartphones have made a major impact on American society. Twenty years ago, smart phones did not exist and now we cannot go a day without them. The devices have made both positive and negative changes on how we carry out daily activities, how we conduct business and how we communicate. Surveys show that approximately 3.2 billion people use their mobile devices daily to stay connected . It is estimated that the average American spends almost four hours on their phone each day, checking in about every 65 minutes. . This does not even count making actual phone calls. Grabbing our devices is often the first thing that many Americans do each morning and 60% of us claim that they view their morning phone time more important than their morning coffee (Hechtel, 2016). Smartphones can make our lives easier because they allow us to stay connected and to have an instant database in the palm of our hands. Because the modern workplace has become more demanding and the average employee is faced with a growing number of demands, we feel required to stay connected at all times. Using our smart devices can allow us to check work emails while we commute or have lunch. Studies suggest that smart devices allow us to work an average of 250 more hours each year due to our mobile connections (Derks, Durin, Tims and Bakker, 2015). We can also access information at all times from our phones. It has been reported that many doctors, med students and residents depend on their

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