
Snatch Social Psychology

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Psychologist David Levy once said, “Social Psychology is the scientific study of obvious, which invariably leads to conflicting results”. Snatch, a film that takes place in the criminal underworld of London, England. The film, includes two plots that are intertwined together, one that includes a stolen diamond. The other, has to do with a boxer promoter that is being controlled by a gangster who will have any of his subordinates carry out any of his severe and sadistic acts. The film moves at a very fast pace and has many twists and turns that can be hard to follow. Although the movie may not seem to have any connection to the world of social psychology, it in fact does have many connections. With each group of characters that are presented in the film, social psychology principles arise. Ones …show more content…

Each social psychology principal that is presented, shows how other people can be affected with how the ‘alpha’ acts or speaks. There are three scenes that presented the following social psychology principles: ethnocentrism, power dynamics and image management. The first scene deals with power dynamics and the culture differences between the gypsies and the three men- Turkish, Brick Top, and Tommy. Over the years, power dynamics and culture differences are a big part of our society. Power and culture differences coincide with each other in many more ways than one. Within those power dynamics and culture differences there is going to conflicts within the cultures. In the film “Snatch”, the power dynamics and culture differences are within the gypsies and between the top three characters: Turkish, Brick Top, and Tommy. In one scene within the movie, there is conflict between Brick Top and Mickey. In the film, Mickey is a gypsie and is an exceptional boxer. Brick Top is the boss of the operation that has to do with retrieving the stolen diamond. In one particular scene, Turkish's fighter dies, due to fighting with Mickey. Mickey throws hard punches and

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