
Soccer : The Effect Of Concussions In Soccer

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The whistle blows. An injured soccer player is lying on the field holding her head. Whispers of the word “concussion” fill the stands, and finally when the young girl stands, the crowd claps as she walks off the field, knowing she will be out for the rest of the season. Unfortunately, this scenario happens all too often on a soccer field. Soccer is a fairly aggressive sport that has been the cause to many concussions over the years. Even though some people think that wearing headgear will help prevent concussions during a soccer game, soccer players should not have to wear headgear since there is no proof that it prevents concussions because players need to follow player protocol, heading the ball does not cause concussions, and soccer is known to be a physical sport. People often argue that concussions in soccer are caused by heading the ball. For example, concussion headbands were made for players to wear during soccer games to help protect them from getting concussions (Clarey). One cannot deny that concussion headbands may help reduce the impact from the ball (Clarey). According to Soccer Headgear: Does It Do Any Good? by Jere Longman, “Headgear could reduce impact forces by 10 to 30 percent” (Longman). Supposedly, players will wear concussion headgear to help reduce concussions. The headgear will help reduce some of the force from the ball when the player’s head makes contact with the ball (Longman). Not only will wearing headgear during the game help prevent concussions, but also the age at which kids can head the ball with help prevent them too. A new rule states soccer players 10 and under cannot head the ball in games or practice. Based on new rules from the U.S. Soccer and the American Youth Soccer Organization, “Children 10 years or under will no longer be allowed to head the ball in practice or games, while players ages 11 to 13 will only be allowed to do it during practice and not games” (Storrs). Having young players start heading the ball later in life will ensure that they are learning how to head the ball correctly and accurately. Heading the ball at a young age will put the young players at a higher risk to get a concussion because they most likely are doing it wrong. However, wearing

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