
Soccer Vs Football Compare And Contrast

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Contrast between Sports Has it ever came to your mind that Soccer and Football seem like the same thing? They’re both outside sports. Their fields have the same layout and they have the same goal throughout the game; to score on the opposing team. This has flown through of my mind over a thousand times. But although Soccer and Football are set up the same way doesn’t mean that they are the same. Soccer and Football are different in three ways.
The first way Soccer and Football differ is by who can play each sport. In soccer, both girls and boys can play the game from ages four, all the way to professional. Usually when children start playing soccer at a younger age they have the choice to play with just their type of sex or with the opposing …show more content…

Soccer is more of an ongoing game when compared to football. In order the start the game there needs to be a total of twenty-two players. Eleven players on each team with one of their players being the goalie. The objective of the game is to kick the soccer ball as many times as you can in the opposing teams goal, but at the same time you have to keep the ball away from the other team. During the game, you want to avoid touching the ball with your hands, which is unless you are the goalie or throwing the ball in the game from the out of bounce area. All different Soccer games have different time lengths depending on the age level. In Soccer game is played with two half’s, each half is forty five minutes long with a half time of fifteen minutes in between. As for Football the game is played completely different. The only thing that is similar is the amount of people on the field and on each team. The objective of football is to score as many touchdowns on the opposing team’s side without the other team interfering you tackles. Unlike Soccer, Football isn’t ongoing; it stops when each play stops. Plays usually stops when someone on the other team tackles whoever has the ball on your team. Another way to score can be made by a field goal (this usually happens after making a touchdown or when someone is too far to make a touchdown). When your team has the ball, they are given four chance to score (also known as downs, ex: “1st down”). Although, the sport is called “Football,” players don’t use their feet as much, only when kicking the ball to start the game or to make a field goal. A casual Football game has four quarter with a half in between the first

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