
Social And Social Identity Theory

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Originally proposed by Tajfel and Turner, the Social Identity Theory (SIT) can be described as the comparison between the individual self and the social self. More specifically, it is the individual’s perception that is derived from their membership of a social group (ingroups and outgroups) or personal identities. The theory is divided into three different psychological mechanisms: social categorization, social comparison, and the tendency for people to use the group membership as a source to gain self-esteem. A theory is defined as a theory as long as it meets the two requirements: describing behaviors and the ability to describe/see the future behaviors of individuals. Since the behaviors of individuals can be based on the social …show more content…

Individuals tend to over exaggerate the differences between the outgroups and outgroups, while they exaggerate the similarities between the ingroups. The Social Identity Theory demonstrates reliability in that it provides an explanation for intergroup behaviors such as stereotypes. The theory is demonstrated within the study of Sherif et al (1954). The study was carried out in order to observe the creation of groups, attitudes, and the norms of the groups through group activities. Sherif intended to observe the reactions and attitudes between the individuals when there are two separate groups (realistic conflict theory). The researchers had 22 boys with similar backgrounds and boys in the age group of 11-12 years old. Boys were divided into two separate groups before the experiment began and the researchers used single-blind study in that the boys did not realize that they were participating in an experiment; the boys were there to attend a summer camp. The two groups were divided and each group participated in team bonding activities and the boys had created their distinctive identity as members of the Eagles or members of the Rattlers. Researchers created a game in which only one group benefited in order to create conflict between the two groups. Unlike the decent start in the beginning, the members of each group portrayed

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