
Social Class Effect Study

Decent Essays

The Effect of Class on Education
Kara Goodfellow

Parents' social class has a greater impact on how well their children perform at school than IQ. Social class has become the primary pathway as well as a towering obstacle to opportunity in America. Below I will discuss three articles on this topic. In IQ Study Finds Class Effect by Rick Weiss, he discusses why poor children, and especially black poor children, score lower on average than their middle-income and white counterparts on performance tests. Studies have repeatedly found that genes, not environment, explain most of the differences in IQ among individuals. However, a new study of the interaction among genes, environment and IQ finds that the influence of genes on intelligence is dependent on class. …show more content…

Jean Anyon observed five elementary schools over the course of a school year and found that fifth graders of different economic backgrounds are already being prepared to occupy particular rungs on the social ladder. She discusses the study and the results in her article, Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work. In the two working class schools, work was following the steps of a procedure, involving very little decision making or choice. The teachers based lessons on photocopies and handouts. Rote behavior was required, the teacher rapid fired questions demanding immediate answers. The teachers ordered the children around and very rarely said please. Bells alerting the change of class are ignored. In the middle-class school, work was getting the right answer. Most lessons were based on the textbook. These children still had to follow directions, but some decision making was required. Work tasks do not necessitate creativity. The children aren't very excited about the work and assignments appear to have

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