
Social Media And Its Impact On The Workplace

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Twitter can be used by leaders to drive more traffic to their businesss or website. Business leaders can use Twitter as a marketing tool to advertise their goods and services to their followers. Twittering during someone’s speech can be exceptional or frowned upon, depending on what the person is twittering. It is inappropriate if you are insulting or making negative remarks about the speaker during his/her speech. It is also rude and/or disrespectful. For example, Rep. Joe Barton twittered, “The Aggie basketball game is about to start on ESPN 2, for those of you that aren 't going to bother watching Pelosi smirk for the next hour.” This personal comment could have been kept to himself, not shared on a social media platform. Leaders should keep twittering on a professional level when it’s involving their organization or other leaders. Social media makes it easy to ruin someone’s reputation. As a minimalist channel of communication, what are the advantages and disadvantages of Twitter? Advantages of business twittering allows leaders to broadcast information to a large group through the posting of a website. Twitter users can also direct followers to other media sources online or offline. I currently follow my children’s school on Twitter and they use it to promote the school and make the public aware of any new happenings or interesting events occurring at the school such as fundraisers, honors programs, and extracurricular activities that are being offered to the

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