
Social Media Negative Essay

Decent Essays

Today, we use social media for just about everything: communicating with friends and family, networking to find jobs, and keeping up about what is going on the world around us. However, when we are using social media we never think about the economic side of it. We sometimes forget that many people need to work for these companies. Meanwhile, social media is doing major harm to many parts of our economy. We fail to see the potential impact of what we are posting online and how it can lead to some problems in our economy. Also, we need to know how to recognize ways that we can help prevent major economic downfalls in the future by us using social media. In conclusion, we fall to acknowledge that the use of social media is negatively affecting our economy and the economy worldwide. In Terms of Service, there is a whole chapter on the economic effects of social media on the workforce. The main example that Silverman uses is of a woman named Nandini who is working seven days a week to find work. Her resume is on TaskRabbit, a site were potential employers can see it and offer her jobs. Another example in the book includes how companies like Coca Cola uses individuals to take pictures of their displays to make sure they are correct. They say this is cheaper and quicker than finding a team of people to go around the US and do the same job that people in the community can do. Airbnb and Uber are also mentioned. Silverman states ‘’that while these are go options for consumers,

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