
Social Media Negatives

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When you think about social media, you tend to let your mind go to the negatives of the evil web. On the other hand there are so many positives to social media. An addition to what I said before, Social Media may be perceived as a way to get “famous”, however, its a way the websites and application that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking, such as marketing, communication, and how easily we are able to get information. To begin with, Marketing is something business are able to do through social media. In this day and age, businesses are able to advertise in a whole new way compared to what they're able to in the 80’s. In the article written by the Department of Industry stated these businesses are able to benefit through all of these factors including: Revenue, brand development, research, networking, and recruitment. First is Revenue, the most obvious opportunity to generate. This can be done through building a community which can lead to the advertisement of your products and services within social media. When you choose to advertise through social media, the ads can either link back to your business’ social media page or straight through to the website. This allows you to benefit from social media without needing to have a channel. Second is Brand development; using social media allows your customers to connect and interact with your business on a more personal level. If you already have an established brand, social media

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