
Social Media Persuasive Essay

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Emerson claims that people should be able to be confident and not care what others have to say about them. His argument is viable today because social media makes humanity feel insecure in many ways. Most of our society judges or makes funny jokes of people’s appearances on social media into making them feel insecure. The bullies mostly only do it online because they know they can escape since they are behind a screen and not in front of their face. There are many crowds who are afraid to go out into the real world. According to Elite Daily, an article on insecurity, “It's easy to forget that people only post their best moments and choose to keep all their worst ones private. Your life may fall short of someone's picture perfect one, but more often than not, so does the life of whomever posted it.” Most of the population only post pictures they feel confident about and look cute. They choose to not upload or delete the worst ones they have of themselves. Elite Daily argues, that social media has made mostly everyone obsessed with making life look perfect for ourselves. Some humans around the world have a mindset of needing to look perfect in the communities. For Example, most women do their full on face makeup everyday and spend lots of time trying to find the perfect outfit to look fabulous. They still wish to have a perfect body therefore they end up assimilating plastic surgery. According to Odyssey, an article on insecurity by social media, “We feel good posting a picture on our profiles that makes us happy, but happiness only lasts as long as it takes to find yet another picture that makes us feel as though we need to do better. Everyone should post what makes them feel good, especially ones with authenticity. But I truly think what needs to change is how we focus on life as a whole.” Society should not be able to only focus on their looks but also need to focus on other important things in life too. Soon, they will take better pictures and be even happier than the last picture. When someone receive a low number of likes on their picture, they automatically know “that makes us feel as though we need to do better” and upload a cuter picture. The author of Odyssey states, he/she should be able to feel

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