
Social Media 's Influence On Human Interaction

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In today’s society, social media has caused us to demote human interaction and reward imitation connections and communications, making it hinder us from maintaining close personal relationships. We would rather talk to someone over the screen then over coffee, and only identify the worthy aspects of our life and disregard the undesirable. This want and desire through social media for a false persona and false ties gives us an aesthetic “good life”, but ultimately hinders us from reaching a genuine “good life”.
Social media has replaced most human to human interaction, leading to decreased physical and mental abilities, making some lives less desirable. In Robert Waldingers TED Talk, The Harvard Study of Adult Development, his second lesson learned was that people who are more socially connected to family and friends are happier, physically healthier, and live longer. When this study took place, social media had not yet been revealed, leaving them with minimal options on how to communicate with people. Social media has changed the way that individuals interact, and in a sense, humans themselves. We find ourselves conversing more and more over social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat, but when faced with actually face-to-face contact, are found speechless. With this new technology, more and more are likely to not become as connected to friends and family as the subjects were in the study, decreasing their overall happiness and hindering society.
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