
Social Network Structures And Its Impact On The Formation Of Social Networks

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Organization structure defined by leadership has a considerable impact on the formation of social networks. From psychological research during the 1940s and 1950s, it became evident that individuals gather into groups as a result of interaction opportunities, most commonly defined by places where people meet (Burt, Kilduff, and Tasselli, 2013). While it has been established that different social network structures can prove to be advantageous in differing scenarios, it is often believed that a greater number of connections in the workplace is beneficial, as meaningful relationships can lead to a sense of belonging and pride in an organization. Consequently, in many scenarios, facilitating interaction opportunities can be a common goal of management; providing employees the opportunity to get to know and learn from one another, whether through onboarding or continuous employee development, promotes the forming of groups and increase of density in a social network. As groups form, a new identity may be created, often characterized by signs of symbolic convergence. These signs might take on the form of inside jokes, symbols, behaviors, or similar views and begin to define what it means to be in the group. At the same time as a group forms, an in-group and out-group frequently begin to develop—those who belong to the group in question and those who do not. The membership discrepancy among in-groups and out-groups can turn problematic if taken too far. Although there is some

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