
Social Psychology And Mainstream Approach

Satisfactory Essays

The focus of this essay is to critically discuss the views towards Social Psychology and the mainstream approach, it is necessary to define the meanings of ‘critical social psychology’ and the ‘mainstream approach’ in order to view each meaning in an in-depth way. The essay will then be followed by support and a discussion of how the critical approaches view feminism research. The essay will then conclude by summarising the essay and how both approaches can bring a varied and who view of social psychology.

What is social psychology? A lot of researchers have aimed to answer this questions for many years. There are two approaches known to be associated with Social Psychology, they are; the mainstream and the critical approach.
Gough et al (2013) claims that critical psychologies are ‘useful, denoting multiple but related critical projects located at the margins of psychology’. They also noted that the important principle to consider is that critical psychologies have ‘blossomed’ over the past 25 years or so, which Gough et al also stated that throughout the ‘blossoming’ years many new courses, conferences, websites and assorted publications in terms of largely distinct consumption patterns (e.g. a preference for sherry or beer) and leisure pursuits (e.g. a taste for classical or dance music).’
According to Durkheim (1850-1917) it was believed that social psychology adapted from sociology. It was based on the fact that Durkheim believed that the ‘social facts’

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