
Social Theories Essay

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Task 5: Compare two models of assessment, planning and coordination practice for working with disabled, older people, or a specific group of people.

The strength based approach is a concept that firmly adheres to the belief that people or groups of people have existing competencies. It is an empowering approach that focuses on the individuals capabilities rather than their disabilities. People are generally seen as able to learn new skills, involved in discovery, have their own resources and can use the resources to address their own concerns.

For this scenario we can correlate the strength based model in providing support for a person with multiple impairments. The strength based approach establishes trust, …show more content…

It empowers the individual letting him or her decide about his or her life. The person feels important as they became part of the process. It also avoids discrimination and stigmatising since the person with disability is the one defining himself and not the health professional promoting self-esteem. It also conserves limited health resources as the person with disability is encourage to do more by himself rather than solely depending on the support worker making the support worker available to perform services to others at the same time.

Strength Based Model: Weaknesses

Case Management Model
Case management is an approach wherein services are coordinated by an entity usually a person with expertise over the field. The coordination of services is done by a case manager to deliver care to a group of patients. It includes strategies to make the services accessible to the client and relevant to his or her needs. For this setting, we will use a group of older persons with dementia as an example.
Due to the deinstitutionalisation that happened after the 1950’s mental health services are now community based and the bulk of the services are delivered in the home and community setting. This then establish the community as the target for

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