
Social Class Perspectives Essay

Decent Essays

In America, the expanding chasm between social classes is a reality, and we are all affected by it, rich or poor. And as the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, the rift increases and as it affects Adults finances it also affects their perspectives of their social standing. Thier prejudiced perspectives trickle not down to the poor but to their children as they to take on their parents view of the world. A perspective that was the cause to some of the most difficult years of my childhood. That part of my childhood started when my family moved to Connecticut in 2005, my father had gotten work near the affluent side of Hartford. I lived in an average apartment complex steps away from a Upscale private school which also …show more content…

Friends are an integral part of childhood, and in this portion of my life I had none. I was alone, lashed out as the middle-class girl who did not even have her own bedroom. These were painful years, I came home crying almost everyday. But my Dad worked days and nights as a consultant for a small Connecticut health insurance company and made barely enough money to keep my family afloat. When he finally did come home, he was tired to the bone and would almost always fall asleep in the spot where he was sitting, whether that was the dining room chair or the sofa. I suddenly realized how hard my dad had been working for my family and me, and I cannot let people affect my education. My dad gave me the motivation to go to school everyday and get my education no matter the slicing remarks or stomach- wrenching games. One day, my teacher assigned us with other students in the class for a history project where we had to research, write two separate essays, provide a vivid visual representation and present over Connecticut history. As a 3rd grader this was a tedious project, and was not easy even with a partner. I had been assigned to one of the most affluent girls in the class, and the moment she heard my name slip from the

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