
Social Values : The Influence Of Socialization In Society

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There are many ways one can achieve socialization skills. We come into this world as Tabula rasa (aka a clean slate) as said by John Locke. Others in your life are capable of shaping you because you are like fresh clay, waiting to be molded. According to Charles H. Cooley, we can interact with others and base our values from them. They could be from your parents, friends, peers, etc… These people are capable of changing how you look to yourself. What John Locke and Cooley have in common are how others shape us directly/indirectly off of others. George Mead (also Erving Goffman to some extent) contributed the idea of seeing ourselves as others, which differs in that sense. Mead says we pick up the roles others play. An example that comes to mind is “playing house”. As a little girl, I wanted to play the mom. My younger friends were always my daughters, but I never had a husband. I can recall how boys were never taught to think of themselves as just a father, which is the opposite from what we (as females) have learned. My brother never watched my mother the way I would. I remember copying the way my mom held my brother and how she comforted him onto my baby dolls.
In a way, our culture’s primary source of socialization comes from the home. Whether that is from the parents or extended family, they are your first source of attention. Without attention as a baby, you aren’t able to develop, as shown in the many cases as Genie. For my case, I received the most behaviors from my

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