
Social Work Case Study Assignment

Satisfactory Essays

Jeanette seem very frustrated upon her arrival. She sat on the black couch next to the lamp. While sitting down, she rippled her fingers one by one up and down her dress. As the session continued, it looks that she was impatient because she was shaking her legs. Jeanette, yells out loud with deep voice that her mother is weak and her father is uncaring. It got even worse when she talked about her mother leaving to rectify her teachers license. She stood up and paced back and forth throughout the room hitting her hand speaking on the duties that she had to fulfill. Jeanette then sat down clam and elaborated about the time Mr. Wells to her to the bar. As she talked about attendance at the bar. She mentions that someone from the neighborhood had been watching their family and reported them to social services. Two days later social services arrived at their house for a visit. They examined the house and saw that there was food in the house and that the father was taking care of the children. Before leaving their neighborhood social services went to their neighbors. The neighbors reported that their mother and father I good parents that seek out to provide for their family. The school was then contacted and reported that the children are fine and Mrs. Wells works with the school district. …show more content…

Amongst these issues, they lack the smooth process of transition. Instead of handling things the right way they insist on doing it their way without any resources. Because of the parents lack of parenting it is stressing Jeanette out. As a she mentions, she is only thirteen years’ old. Meaning that mentally she is having to mature early. To solve this issue, the family must be able to negotiate the transition. Afterwards, the stress will be relieved and will they will gain

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