
Jeana's Short Story

Decent Essays

Jeana’s Story “I just don’t understand anymore, it’s been going on for months. I try to ignore them, but they just won’t stop. What do I do?” Jeana said to her mom. “Well, maybe if you would just try to fit in then people wouldn’t have a problem with you. I don’t understand what you expect me to do about your stupid little problems, Jeana. I’ve got more important things to worry about.” Jeana’s mom had been stressed over the limit lately; with her husband leaving, and losing her job. But, Jeana just wanted someone to talk to. Nobody was nice to her. Nobody would sit with her at lunch. Nobody would be her partner in class. Her father was the only person who ever listened to her. But, now that he was gone, she was all alone. “Bye, mom. I’ll walk to school today. I love you.” Jeana exclaimed as she bolted out the door. “Bye! I’m going out with Derek …show more content…

She scrutinized her surroundings, trying to figure out where she was. “Jeana? Are you awake sweetheart? My name is Dr. Towle, and I’m your caretaker.” The doctor said softly. “Wh-What happened? Why am I here?” Jeana asked hesitantly. “Jeana, you overdosed on Zolpidem, which is a sleeping drug. Your neighbor saw you walking home upset and came over to your house to check on you. She found you unconscious and brought you in.” It all started to come back. “The police found your diary, and read about how you were being bullied, and that is being taken care of.” Dr. Towle said softly. “Everything’s going to be okay.” Jeana’s dad decided it best that she lived with him. She switched schools and made lots of friends. A few months after Jeana’s incident, she received a letter in the mail. With curiosity, she opened it. It was an apology letter from Miranda, saying that she had heard what had happened and that she was sorry for everything she had done to her. Jeana then realized that people change, and she decided to forgive Miranda from the bottom of her

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