
Socialization : Explain Nature Vs Nurture Debate

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theon Burrows Sociology 27 Essay Socialization 1. DESCRIBE socialization, then EXPLAIN nature versus nurture debate. What is your position and why? What MAIN idea did each of the 6 theorists contribute to our understanding of human socialization? (You only need to give the top idea – for example: “Freud gave us a model of human personality.”) (Page #s) Socialization is the process of a person 's personality throughout a lifetime viewed by experiences. Nurture VS. Nature debate how we develop our personality. Nurture is by watching things in society and by social activities like school, sports, or any social environment. Nature is getting a personality inherited by parents or family gene pool, that weren’t taught by family. (Page 126) My view of the debate is that is not so clear cut. There are bits and pieces of on both sides that I can say from my own life. I pick up traits from my father and grandfather that I didn’t know exist. The way I explain something, my temperament, and the way I eat. I notice I picked up things from my mother like creative mind and attention to detail. I develop my own personality by observing society, different cultures, and knowing what is right and wrong for me. I pride myself on having a compassionate heart if I could I would help the whole world. I got that way by taking things I saw every day in the life and figured that it’s easier and more helpful to society to help out your fellow man. The main ideas of these six theorists were: Sigmund

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