
Sociology American Education

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American education is a story about the quest for power, a struggle for cultural, economic and political freedom and equality according to educational historian Merle Curti. This is evident starting from the very development of schools, when colonists wanted to exercise their power over the Native American population by educating the other groups’ young people in their idealistic ways. This training could be said to have created a deculturalization for those Native Americans, where they were essentially forced, or you might even say brain-washed, into assimilating into the “American” way of life.
The intention of using education as a means of control can also be seen clearly during the American Industrial Revolution, where the rich 1% used …show more content…

Americanization programs were the focus of education during the time the 1924 Immigration Act was passed, however with this new legislation on immigration, ideas on multiculturalism and language policies began to gain more social standing. The renewed wave of immigration was occurring at the same time that Native American, Mexican American, Puerto Rican, and African American populations were making demands for the inclusion of their cultures in the public school curriculum. The percentages of people emigrating from Europe declined dramatically from 85-90% all the way down to about 13.7% whereas the numbers increased for immigration from Asia and North America (Spring. 2013. p. 405). By 1980 the top five sources of immigration were Mexico, Vietnam, the Philippines, Korea, China and Taiwan (Spring. 2013. p. 407). Previously Americans were used to smaller populations of foreign-born people as a result of the quotas imposed by the 1924 Immigration Act, with this influx of foreign-born students in the public schools that may be English learners, being able to accommodate these students became a major concern. In the realm of education, riding on the coat tails of the civil rights movement, ideas of multiculturalism began to replace Anglo-American ideals and deculturalization in schools, “influenced by the …show more content…

Education made great strides to becoming more equal and multicultural beginning in the 1950’s and has continued to try and accommodate these new innovative

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