
Socrates Unexamined Life

Decent Essays

Socrates didn't he flee Athens when he was given a chance because he always honored the law. The laws established schools that taught people values and customs of the society. He had followed the rules of Athens his whole life and that is what he was famous for. When he was put in jail for “impiety and corrupting the youth of Athens” I think he was shocked and angry at the authority because he lived his whole life following rules then gets thrown in jail for that. He knew he had two options; either to leave Athens or live the rest of his life in silence. He was not willing to leave his home and family, nor willing to be silent. Being silent would have meant he was agreeing with the government, and the reason they had for throwing him in jail and in his eyes, that was living an “unexamined life”. …show more content…

Socrates says, "The unexamined life is not worth living" So he is saying that his life of following rules under careless authority is just a life not worth

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