
Sojourner Truth Accomplishments

Decent Essays

Sojourner Truth, was an African American woman born a slave. Her birth name was Isabella Baumfree. Truth is remembered as one of the foremost leaders of the abolition movement and an early advocate of women’s rights (Morgan, Thad 2013). Her accomplishments include on helping other African American’s gain their rights. Another was involving herself in on the Women’s Rights Convention. She made these accomplishments with her courage and strength, never showing weakness but bravery and pride in her beliefs. Truth was a slave for many years, she had very little knowledge and didn’t even know how to speak English till she was eleven. She had fallen in love but it had turned to be forbidden, not ever being able to see him again. Her owner at the …show more content…

Hearing a speech from a man in Akron, Ohio she felt offended and attended the convention. She gave her speech at The Ohio Women’s Rights Convention in Akron. She stood with courage alone, standing before the audience with her head held high and her pride. Sojourner spoke with a mighty voice full of confidence and bestowed her experiences upon the people saying what she believed in and told of God and his meaning for men. At that many people rose and sided with her, supporting her to prove their rights and freedom (Morgan, Thad 2013). Truth’s bravery and confidence in religion inspired change due to her accomplishments of earning other’s freedom and not just her own. She accomplished many cases of freeing slaves and assisted them with gaining their rights to be seen as more than the color of their skin. Sojourner believed that rights shouldn’t be determined by color or gender, but by the rightful gift of God (The Library of Congress). Her accomplishments are due to her beliefs and knowledged about religion, with that she changed the minds of many to enforce the authority of liberty African Americans and women had in the world (Butler, Mary). The impact of her accomplishments didn’t take place until a few years after her death but happened and still made a difference. Her words living on through the hearts and minds of women wanting to be

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