
What Challenges Did Sojourner Truth Face

Decent Essays

Sojourner Truth was a strong, courageous woman. She was born into slavery and lived a difficult, unbreakable life. After many years of being a slave, she was finally freed. Sojourner faced many hardships in her life. She learned to obey her masters and she was promised by many who never kept their word. First, Sojourner faced countless hardships in her life. At the age of nine years old, she was sold at an auction with a flock of sheep for $100. She was beaten over 30 years on a daily basis. Last, this poor girl was not given shoes, even in the winter. Therefore, Sojourner faced many hardships in her life. Next, she learned to obey her masters. Sojourner ‘s first masters only spoke English, but she only spoke Dutch. She learned to speak

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