
Some Examples Of Religious Discrimination In The United States

Decent Essays

Religious Discrimination
In a Worldwide community, each individual is considered more as a stereotype than a person. Because of this, many people are treated differently based on their skin, wealth, or education. However, one of the biggest stereotypes in today’s society is religious discrimination.
According to the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, religious is treating someone unfavorably because of his or her belief ( par.1). Many examples of this can be seen in everyday news stories. Some examples of religious discrimination are: Nadia Eweida, Lillian Landele, Samantha Elauf, Ashanti McShan, and the most recent Ahmed Mohamed. In each case, the individual lost their job, their reputation, or even their education because of their beliefs.
Nadia Ewedia, a 60-year-old flight attendant, took the proud British Airways to court in 2006 for infringing on her religious rights. Ewedia wore her silver cross necklace religiously. After she was sent home for wearing a small silver cross around her neck in 2006 in breach of BA uniform codes, she immediately took her case against the UK government to …show more content…

Samantha Elauf and Ashanti McShan two 17 year old girls were both denied a job because or their religious dress. Elauf, who is of Muslim beliefs, wore a religious hijab to her interview at Abercrombie & Fitch and was deliberately denied the job because it “clashed classic East Coast collegiate style,” stated the employer (Mei par. 1). McShan, who is an Apostolic Christian, wore a skirt to her first day on her new job at Burger King. Because she did not wear a pair of black slacks, she was fired and never worked (Wilonsky). Each girl had a different religion, but both lost money because of religious discrimination. Because of their outward appearance and convictions they were not allowed to

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