
Song Of History

Decent Essays

History has always captured my imagination. Yet although the sweeping tapestry of history is dominated by the epic scenes of wars and revolutions, it is not these which fill my heart with enthusiasm for the subject. That distinction is owed to those who were at the core of these events: Robespierre and Emma Goldman, Peter the Great and Theodora; it is they who truly capture the magnificence and variety that can be found within history’s glorious annals. In people and events, I see a reflection of all that I have ever known; the song of history, with all of its crescendos and harmonies, resonates through time, unfaltering. When I observe history, the infinite connections between the members of the human race finally come into view, and I feel …show more content…

I am especially interested in the Summer International Travel Grant and Civilizations Core programs, as it is my dream to one day conduct independent historical research in Paris. French history, as well as general European history, is something that hold very dear; it is both fascinating and inspiring, and I have a boundless determination to succeed as one of its historians. It’s fantastic yet unsurprising to see that those who teach history at UChicago are extremely diverse and erudite individuals, having achieved much over the course of their academic careers. It is with the utmost respect that I hope to someday be instructed by them, since they epitomize everything that I aspire to become. In being challenged by some of the best professors in the world, I will develop the skills that I need to accomplish my goals. That is why the University of Chicago appeals to me so greatly: your academics are demanding, your opportunities are prolific, and your community offers a home to those with a genuine love for learning. Here, I will not only be able to find new sources of knowledge; I will be able to find

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