
Sound Effect And Sound Effects

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A Foley is a sound effect technique use for creating live sound effects or synced sound effects. The Foley technique are named after jack Foley, jack Foley was a sound editor at Universal Studios. Foley is a sound effect added in a film or in a video during the time of Post Production, The action to produce Foley can include jostling each other, rubbing their cloths, breaking objects and handling props to produce the Foley of door opening, walking (footsteps), punching, glass breaking etc. In other words Foley is a reproduction of day to day SFX added in a film to enhance the quality of audio which helps to give a sense of reality in a film or video, without the Foley effect the film will feel unnaturally quiet and uncomfortable.
• In 1920 various radio studios around the world use to produce live sound effects developed for the broadcasts of radio drama.
• In those days all the sound for the radio plays had to be created at …show more content…

They are used to depict the simulate reality, mood or even create an illusion in a film. For example if a glass cup smashed, that sound of the glass breaking is recorded separately and it is enhanced to get the feel as realistic as possible. The other example of sound effects could be used to create a mood. For example, a Homeless sitting by a fire in the street, that gives of the mood to the audience a sense of warmth, add a sound such as a gun fire could signal a sense of danger, a dog howling could change it to a darker mood, or even an owl hooting can change the mood to lonesome.
A further example for the sound effects could be when two people are having a conversation with each other in a cafe full of people, the sound of the people, cutleries and furniture in the background is added to create the illusion of a realistic cafe environment

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