
Soviet Revolution And The Soviet War

Decent Essays

When the USSR collapsed the Cold War was ended, along with the spread of communism. In the year 1991, the USSR lost control of several Baltic States. Harsh living conditions and oppressive policies stirred rebellion in the people. Russian President Gorbachev tried in vain to restore power by first withholding, “vital supplies like oil and raw materials from the Baltic States, or even used force…where hundreds of people were killed” (Paxton 651). When deprivation and violence failed, Gorbachev persuaded member republics of the USSR to sign a “new union treaty establishing a looser federation of ‘sovereign states’” (Paxton 651). Although, he had meant to strengthen communism, Gorbachev’s bloody tactics lost support of progressives, as well as, conservatives. The final signature of the union treaty was blocked by a coup led by Boris Yeltsin, later he would become president of the Russian Federation. Secession movements brought civil war to Russia. On September sixth 1991, the Baltic States declared full independence with heartland regions similarly minded. Now considered obsolete, the USSR was replaced with a new Commonwealth of Independent States. Gorbachev resigned and Yeltsin assumed control. The Soviet Union no longer existed.
Before, the Communist Soviet Union was the unifying threat that brought NATO into existence, but now that danger was gone. NATO could accept one of two fates, “it must either consider a new foundational priority/goal/purpose as a basis for coherent

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