
Space Exploration Persuasive Essay

Decent Essays

The mysteries of space and ocean have always struck our attention. The question “what’s out there, what creatures live there, do water monsters and aliens exist, always pop up. However, could the risks become a barrier to our curiosity? I believe that major exploration could be a benefit for our society and our way of life. I think that major exploration could benefit us because we have a chance of finding resources, predicting the future of the planet, and provide us with advanced technology. Gold, diamonds, rubies. These are all valuable resources from the earth. However, we need to find resources to help cure diseases like cancer. Major exploration can help us do this. In “Why Exploring the Ocean Is Mankind’s Next Giant Leap,” on lines 49-50 it states, “Consider that AZT, an early treatment for HIV, is derived from a Caribbean reef sponge.” This resource could impact our society greatly and maybe expand the average life span. …show more content…

These are predictions could be the future of this world. The exploration of the oceans and space could help us prevent another wipe out of a major race. We need to explore and investigate the ocean instead of polluting it. In “Why Exploring the Ocean Is Mankind’s Next Giant Leap,” on lines 65-67 it states “ oceans are the life support system of this planet, providing us with up to 70% of our oxygen, as well as a primary source of protein for billions of people, not to mention the regulation of our climate.” In “ Is Space Exploration Worth the Cost,” on lines 36-38 is states “ Observing Earth has provided G.P.s, meteorological forecasts, predictions, and management of hurricanes and other natural disasters.” This evidence prove to us that exploring the unknown could unlock the future of our

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