
Space Persuasive Essay

Decent Essays

Does it feel like there are too many humans overpopulating the Earth? Cause eventually the Earth will have no more space for humans and has exhausted its resources making life difficult to prosper. Well fear not, there are space companies like the National Aeronautics and Space Administration(NASA) and SpaceX trying to search throughout the universe for the possibilities of human survival. One of Jupiter's four largest moon called Europa, discovered by the Galileo spacecraft created from NASA, believed to contain water essential towards human life. The more reasons on why humans all over Earth should consider space exploration as one of the top priority, because Earth's resources would slowly be depleted as time goes on. Therefore, the use of space instruments to analyze evidence, viewing Europa's surface on the possibilities of finding water, the building of fuel depots in space to refuel spacecrafts, and information from spacecrafts are all necessary for human life outside of …show more content…

These robots, created in NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, are required to handle Europa's rough landscape on traveling and gathering evidence off of its surface. One cool gadget is the nuclear-powered tunneling robot, it "melts chips of ice and spits them out of its rear end after sawing them off" then also "take samples of the ice core to deliver back to the surface"(Kelly). The off-road wheel robot is a type of robot has special wheels and suspension system to navigate the icy surface of Europa against its moon's geysers that, "may shoot ice or gas, are likely to have very loose sediment, or sand-like ice surrounding them"(Kelly) These robots are just select examples of how NASA wants to ensure the protection of their robots and the evidence of Europa's ice surface. Other than robots, the Clipper has space instruments that it will use as it takes multiple flybys of

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