
Spanking Children Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Spanking Children Essay
I believe parents could spank their children but under certain conditions. Many children are traumatized every year because their parents have spanked them to a point where their afraid and they panic over every little thing. The parents have tried to teach them right from wrong but have only showed them that everything they do is wrong. A child's mind is beginning to evolve around the age of four through seven and their barely beginning to learn what to do and what not to do. If the parents are spanking them too many times then there's a possibility the child’s mental health could be damaged since they are not learning what's okay to do and what's not okay to do. Many parents don't know how to teach their children discipline so they result in spanking and that's okay as long as your following certain conditions. …show more content…

They have to provide them with the necessities to survive, they have to raise them to be respectful, and they have to care for them by protecting at whatever cost. As children age they begin to evolve and often they will believe they don't need a father and a mother to take care of them so they develop an attitude and can be a real handful. This is why I believe it's okay to spank your child in order to teach them discipline and obedience. A child will become rebellious at a certain age of their childhood and sometimes timeouts will not work so a parent has to put the foot down and show them right from wrong. A simple spank would teach them that hitting your parents is not okay or talking back to them will have consequences. A parent can teach them discipline as simply as that but a soon as the adult begins to utilize other items then that's when the child suffers severe

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