
Speaking Multiple Languages And Food

Decent Essays

Speaking Multiple Languages
Malaysia is well-known to the world for its diverse cultures, languages and food due to its multicultural society. This unique circumstance has accommodated most Malaysians to master several languages. This is further influenced by the Malaysian constitution that has mandated the Malay language as the official language for use at the national level. Therefore, the Chinese and the Indians in Malaysia are able to naturally acquire an additional language on top of their own native language. For the indigenous Malays, numerous opportunities such as foreign language classes in schools and inter-racial marriages enable them to learn multiple languages. So, living in a multiracial country provides the benefits of the …show more content…

Initially, I was enrolled in a Chinese kindergarten and I was exposed to Mandarin. Then, I transferred to a public school that utilized the Malay language in its curriculum. Unfortunately, my ability to practice Mandarin became very limited and as a result, my interest in Mandarin began to wane. However, having acquired the basics in Mandarin and upon constant motivation from my family, I continued to pursue the Mandarin language. In fact, I met up with a teacher who was well-versed in that language and asked her if she could impart her knowledge to me. Seeing my keen motivation, the teacher actually opened up an optional afternoon class solely for the purpose of learning Mandarin. The comprehensive lesson provided by the teacher also included the cultural practices, festivals and the gorgeous artworks associated with the Chinese people. In the class, the teacher also provided the students with cultural materials that are used during festivals celebration in Chinese culture such as such the “TangLong” to give us the ‘feel’ of the festivals. My parents were supportive in allowing me to attend the classes every day in order to improve my ability in the language and able to discover my culture in-depth as well. Over time, I came to appreciate my effort in conserving both sides of my family heritage without forsaking one for the other. I am proud to be both Malay and Chinese, as they

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