
Special Spaces

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Special Spaces Gives Orland Park Teenager a Dream Room Makeover

Where does a child battling a serious illness find peace and comfort? Special Spaces creates dream bedrooms makeovers for children with life-threatening illnesses. Founded in 2004 on the precedent that these children need their own special place, Special Spaces has created hundreds of rooms nationwide. The goal is a place of hope and inspiration, while addressing their medical needs.
15 year old Ashley Gustafik of Orland Park has a new room courtesy of Special Spaces and the efforts of over 20 volunteers. Ashley, a part-time student at Carl Sandburg High School, had a relapse recently for the fourth time with leukemia. She was first diagnosed when she was 6 months old.

Volunteers …show more content…

Jennifer Galloy, a Joliet Township High School teacher was a volunteer. Special Spaces helped Galloy’s son receive a bedroom makeover two years ago and she wanted to return the favor. Volunteers from the donor organizations were also at Ashley’s home to help paint the room, assemble furniture and other tasks.

Ashley's reaction? “It’s awesome,” she said. The sentiments were echoed by her mother, Jennifer McCasland. She said the room makeover gave Ashley something to look forward to. Interested in Becoming a Volunteer?

Donating funds and materials are always appreciated, but there is a way that people can help locally. Special Spaces relies on the efforts of many volunteers, who are mission critical to Special Spaces. The front-end planning and prep work are done by the Special Spaces leadership team, but the majority of the work required to create these dream rooms is only fulfilled by volunteers on-site. Are you a contractor, artist, electrician, or just someone who wants to help make a difference for a child in need? Please contact State Director, Kelly Knox ( about becoming a Special Spaces

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