Experiment 3
Alli DeLay
Chem 112L- Section 02- Changling Qiu
Alex Hugen and Shanglee Ha
ABSTRACT: For hydrogen, neon, helium, carbon dioxide, and mercury, a SpectroVis Plus was used to find the emission lines. The constant was found by plotting both the 1/ ƛ and 1/ n 2 and finding the slope of hydrogen. 10972566.5 ± -1.1x10 -5 m-1 was found compared to the known value of 10967758.34 m-1. The changes in values could be due to the slight changes made when the data was recorded. The visible spectra of green, red, yellow, and blue food coloring dyes were also measured using a spectrometer. The spectrometer verified that green dye is a mixture of blue and yellow due to the comparison of data.
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Shows the observed hydrogen emission spectrum. This figure was used to find the numbers for Table 1. The spectrums are used to find certain intensities at different wavelengths. Figure 2. Shows the given hydrogen emission spectrum.
Figure 3. shows the plots of 1/ƛ vs. 1/ n 2 of hydrogen. This plots shows the slope of hydrogen. Table 1. and Table 2. Show the emission spectrum lines for hydrogen and helium.
Figures 4, 5, 6, and 7 are all separate graphs of the emission lines for neon, helium, carbon dioxide, and mercury.
Figure 8. is a representation of all of the visible reference spectrum. This data was found by adding food coloring to water and determining its emission
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Visible spectra of different food colorings.
DISCUSSION: Figure 1 has low resolution because of the SpectraVis that was used. Figure 2 has more of a high resolution that shows quite a bit more of the graph and more detailed numbers. The line intensities in the hydrogen spectrum decrease with the decreasing wavelengths because the emission intensities are directly proportional to wavelength. The reason for the different amounts of lines for each substance is due to the different amounts of intensity that each substance had. The slope of this experiment was 10972566.5 ± -1.1x10 -5 m-1 compared to the known value of 10967758.34 m-1. The hydrogen emission tube was a light purple color. The neon emission tube was orange. The helium emission tube was a light white/pink. The carbon dioxide color was a light blue, and the mercury emission tube was white. The brighter the color the more emission lines they had. With the green, blue, and yellow dyes they all had the same amount of emission lines. This is because the colors are so close together they each share some type of characteristic between them. A possible error could be that the data was not taken at the right time. The data could have been taken when the intensity was low which could mess up a lot of the data. Something that could improve this experiment would be to wait 15 seconds every time while taking the data to make sure the intensities are all at the same
From this graph and chart we can see that the higher the concentration the higher the absorbance, all the different concentrations were tested at the same wavelength (625nm). Also we can determine our unknown substances concentration by using the absorbance we got for it. The red dot on the graph followed by the line towards the horizontal axis indicates that the concentration of fast green was 34% or 5.1x10-3.
3. The spectrophotometer was set at 420nm. Distilled water was also used as the ‘blank’.
The area on the H-R diagram where “normal” stars can be found is known as the _________.
AAS has contributed to the understanding of elements having different absorption emission spectra due to their difference in energy levels. In the absorption spectrum, the absorbed light are shown as black gaps. As the number of electrons increase, the number of spectral lines also increase. Hence, by measuring the absorption of light, the concentration of the element within a sample can be determined. By knowing the concentrations of an element, scientists are now aware that even the smallest amount can make a significant impact towards the biological system. Therefore, scientists have brainstormed ways to monitor the use of chemicals in the
As you can see in the first line of the graph it is illustrated that color came off more of the red hues. The results for the 1st Fraction (or pass through the sand) were consistent and turned out as expected. The light brown hue indicated that the sand had separated some of the color/dye. The 2nd Faction were also consistent with expectations.
The gamut shows that the accuracy of the colours red, magenta, blue and cyan are relatively close to their concentration of coloured compound. Rather the green and yellow are not as close to their points in the gamut, making it less accurate to their colour.
Also, he describes how you can determine the color of the wavelength by looking at how long the wavelength is. For example,
During the Atomic line emission lab assignment, my results came out pretty accurate. During the 5th lab it was very fatiguing to determine what the colors were that I had seen. Basically there was a large amount of red. As I went down the line there was a decrease of the rest of the colors, meaning there was more of the red than any other color. As a group we realized this lab emission was a lot like Ge or Germanium based on the spectrum. The first Lab we saw that it was a lot similar to Ce which was Cerium, it is very common to Germanium. With both labs five and 1, you had all the colors except there was no green or violet. Ge had every color except for violet. Our eyes are sensitive to different wavelengths of visible light and we see these
The precise origin of these 'Fraunhofer lines' as we call them today remained in doubt for many years, until Gustav Kirchhoff, in 1859, announced that the same substance can either produce emission lines or absorption lines. Now scientists had the means to determine the chemical composition of stars through spectroscopy. One of the most dramatic triumph of astrophysical spectroscopy during the 19th century was the discovery of helium. An emission line at 587.6 nm was first observed in the Solar corona during the eclipse of 1868 August 18th, although the precise wavelength was difficult to establish at the time. Two months later, Norman Lockyer used a cleaver technique and managed to observe the Solar prominence without waiting for an eclipse. He noted the precise wavelength of this line, and saw that no known terrestrial elements had a line at this wavelength. He concluded this must be a newly discovered element, and called it 'helium'. Helium was discovered on Earth eventually and showed the same 587.6 nm line. Today, we know that helium is the second most abundant element in the Universe. We also know today that the most abundant element is hydrogen. However, this fact was not obvious at
In the spectroscopy lab, a spectrometer was used to observe different elements and notice the line spectrum associated with each element, and the wavelength associated with each color. Also, within this lab, one is able to observe the Hydrogen element, and quantify the wavelength of the element, in order to use an equation to find the initial orbital for that given color. Spectroscopy by definition is a scientific study in which a measurement is used to quantify absorbance and emission, (“Spectroscopy.”). Through the study of spectroscopy, the atomic model theory was created by Neils Bohr. The theory proved that electrons are confined to a specific orbital floating around the nucleus.
The first hypothesis stated for this lab was that our wavelength would be around 500 nm for the colored light. The second hypothesis stated was that the full spectrum light will have a better outcome for both photosynthesis and respiration compared to the green lights results. Throughout this experiment both of this hypotheses were supported. The first hypothesis was supported because our colored ended up being533.8 nm which represents the green light. Therefore, the second hypothesis was supported because the full spectrum light did have more linear results compared to the usage of the green light. The full spectrum light had better results with the processes of photosynthesis and respiration. The full spectrum light covers all aspects of
Comparing the hydrogen to lithium, hydrogen is an element with little orbitals compared to lithium. Hydrogen has little amounts of energy levels, so its energy is diagram will
The observed flame colors do correlate with the brightest bands on the atomic emission spectrum for each element. Based on the information from the “ Periodic Table with Atomic Emission Spectra”, which indicates that lithium obtained the brightest band for red, sodium obtained the brightest band for orange, potassium obtained the brightest band for purple, and strontium obtained the brightest band for red. We might account for major differences in observed flame colors due to there are several brightest band on some of the elements such as barium, which obtained red, orange and blue as the brightest bands.
There are seven major spectral types. Stars range from blue and hot to red and cool. The spectral types are: O, B, A, F, G, K, and M (from hottest to coolest). Each of these letters is divided into 10 numerical classes, from hotter to cooler: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. For example, our Sun has the spectral type G2. Spectroscopy is a scientific technique in which the visible light coming from objects (like stars and nebulae) is examined to determine the object's composition, temperature, density, and velocity. The spectrum is the band of colors that white light is composed of, in the order: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet (from long to short wavelength). Newton first discovered that sunlight could be divided into the visible spectrum. The compositions of stars are determined through spectroscopy. Spectroscopy is the study of something using spectra. Recall from the Electromagnetic Radiation chapter that a spectrum is what results when you spread starlight out into its individual
The data obtained from PTF and PESSTO is a combination of flux and wavelength values, with wavelength range typically between 3000 and 9000Å. The flux values had to be de-reddened to account for absorption and scattering of the electromagnetic radiation from the SNe, due to dust and gas present in the interstellar medium and the Earth’s atmosphere. To do this a reddening