
Speech On Depression In Australia

Decent Essays

Good morning ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this Year’s Youth Forum, My name is Kasey Powell and I’ve been invited here today to speak about depression. I believe this particular social issue is important and has to be broken down so more people understand what depression really is because no one wants to be suffering from depression. Suicide and self-harm are two of the top difficulties when suffering from depression and they need to be addressed.

One of the reasons I believe this is due to the fact that one in sixteen young Australians are currently experiencing depression. That’s 6.3% of Australians aged between 16 and 24 who have experienced depression in the last 12 months. nobody actually knows what causes depression but there are a number of things that link to depression, for example, life events, a chemical imbalance in the brain, an abusive household and…. therefore that leads onto depression and …show more content…

In 2006, suicide was the second leading cause of death in Australia. 10 out of every 100,000 people died by suicide. The total number of deaths was approximately 30,535 young adults. Suicide is a silent killer as we often can’t tell who’s suffering it until it’s too late. Children who suffer depression believe that no one loves them and they start thinking things like “if I leave no one will care because no one loves me” These thoughts are very unhealthy for children or adults at any age. It is not true that if a person talks about suicide, they will not attempt it. Seriously, suicidal people make such comments for many reasons. It is extremely vital to take these comments seriously and help that person seek mental help and treatment. A person in a crisis may not be aware that they need help or be able to seek it on their own. They also need to be reminded that treatment for depression is available, and that many people can very quickly begin to experience relief from depressive

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