
Speech On Stuttering In School

Decent Essays

As a child I suffered from severe stuttering. I came to America at the age of five therefore, English is not my primary language. This made it difficult for me to learn English. I had the capacity to develop abstract ideas and understood what was being told to me. I could not articulate what I wanted to say. I didn’t not have the ability to communicate with others around me. My stuttering was so severe that it stunted my progress in learning English. The bullying I received in school caused me to become mute for sometime. My perspective at that time was detrimentally negative. In my mind if I am being bullied for the way I talk than why talk at all. My elementary school ended putting me in ESOL and special needs classes. I did not apply myself in school at all and had a lot of unpleasant behavioral incidents. People don’t talk about this much, but I whole heartedly feel like my school kept me in special needs classes because they receive funding for the amount of special needs children they have. When I reached fourth grade my ESOL teacher looked at my FCAT scores and fought for me to be put in a regular class. She motivated me to apply myself, which I did. They eventually took me out of special needs, gave me more hours of ESOL and made me work with an SLP. Overtime, my stuttering decreased tremendously. Now, when I get nervous my stuttering comes through but not as much as before. In general the clip from A fish Called Wanda some what shows an accurate depiction of how

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