
Narrative Essay On Diverse Immigration

Decent Essays

Inverse immigrant Most people emigrate from China to United States; I did the opposite. Only a few weeks after I was born, I moved from New York to China to live with my grandparents. My parents were not divorced, but did this so I would not interfere with their jobs. My life in China was not bad, I lived on a farm where my grandparents raised chickens and grew vegetables. The house my grandparents and I lived in had a pool nearby where the chickens were kept. One moment that I will never forgot was the time I almost drowned in the pool. I kicked frantically, trying to keep my chin above water, but my legs were tiring. I tried to get a grip on the small wall (which was designed to keep the chickens form going into the water) but my hands were too …show more content…

My first encounter with English was at my mother’s workplace. I picked up some words when my mother spoke to customers, but had no idea what each word meant. When school started, I didn’t talk to anyone since most of them spoke English so I felt like an outcast. Still, I tried my best to do well in English, however in fourth grade kids found it humorous that I struggle when I spoke English and they would bully me. When they teased me I would get frustrated and would sit there sobbing and feeling morose for hours and hours. Finally elementary school was over and its time to go to middle school I thought the nightmare would stop in middle school. However, middle school was a lot worse, not only was I verbally assaulted but also physically. As the days went by, I felt an increasing animosity towards my new language. (Since it was the root if all my problems.) I don’t know how my mom found out, but even thought I didn’t admit it, I was relived she did. Joe1, who bullied me on a regular basis, was expelled from the school. However I felt guilty since he was just a kid who didn’t know

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