
Speech Sound Disorder Paper

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We often hear “speech sound disorder” and “language disorder” used interchangeably. These terms might mean the same thing when we are talking about an aspect of communication, but in reality, these terms differ from one another in a variety of ways. According to ASHA’s website (2014), speech refers to the actual sound component used when communicating through verbal means. On the other hand, language refers to a whole system of symbols, words and socially shared codes that allow written, spoken or expressed body language communicate meaning between a sender and a receiver.
Also, Owens (2016) suggests that language does not need speech to be meaningful. For example body language can be used as a response to a command or question like shaking your head side to side to indicate “no”. Perhaps written language like sending emails or text messages these are forms of communication. However, speech does need language to be meaningful. For instance, a child telling you “ckrts skts logedw,” the child is …show more content…

According to Pen᷈a-Brooks and Hegde (2015), speech sound disorders are the perceived errors when producing speech sounds. A speech sound disorder usually impacts the intelligibility of someone based on nature and severity level of it. For instance, a phonological disorder affects a child’s understanding of how sounds contrast or distinct from one another. For example, the usage of persistent patterns of substitutions and omissions when the child knows how to produce a sound. Imagine a five-year-old producing “firetruck” correctly, but then producing “ruml” for “trunk.” Or an articulation disorder which affects the production of individual sounds, usually have consistent errors, and the person often perceives linguistic contrast. In other words, a speech sound disorder is when a person is unable to produce speech sounds fluently or has a problem with their quality of

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