
Spina Bifida Urinating

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Spina bifida is a skeletal system disease and birth defect in which the neural tube fails to close properly during the first five weeks of pregnancy. Since the neural tube failed to close, the child will have damage to the nerves, spinal cord, and brain that varies in severity. Although the disease has declined since 1982, there has not been a significant decline and the disease has relatively stayed at the same percentile over the last several years. When I was born, I had a hole above my anus, where the end of my spinal cord is, that was no larger than the tip of a pen, but was still noticeable. After tests were conducted, it appeared to the doctors that I was almost a spina bifida newborn and that my neural tube barely closed in time for the developmental process, which is why this disease is so appealing to me. Reading of the side effects that I almost contacted, this article focuses on a major issue: urinating. Spina bifida children, and even adults, have various problems conducting daily activities alone and successfully, such as their slowed motor and cognitive skills. What many people …show more content…

The children’s parents chose the setting in which the experiment was conducted, with most of them choosing a home setting to provide a comfortability factor for the participants. During the experiment, each child was timed from when they entered the bathroom, to when they exited. They quickly realized that due to the motor skills that are significantly lower than an average person, the children could not keep their attention on the task at hand and nearly half of the participants took five or more minutes to complete the task. It was found that if it took the children twenty-five minutes to urinate, and due to NBD, had frequent urination, the patients could spend upwards to one-hundred minutes in the bathroom a

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