
Sports And Music Festival At Las Vegas

Decent Essays

A Skateboarder’s Legacy

So I was chilling with my friends in the park, skateboarding they talked about the “Broadway Bomb” and some other stuff. I asked them what the Broadway Bomb was, they told me that it was a 7.9-mile race along Broadway in Manhattan. Although I’ve met Skateboarding Celebrities like Tony Hawk and Eric Koston, I’ve never had a chance to go skateboarding with them. But most of the Celebrity Skateboarders don’t even practice their Skateboarding Skills. After seeing Tony Hawk’s victory in 1999 in the MTV Sports and Music Festival at Las Vegas, he really inspired me to be a Skateboarder. After thinking for a lot of hours, I thought I would ask some of my friends even though I had some ‘experience’ in …show more content…

Now I need to get some practice so I could become one of the twenty-four professional street skateboarders competing in the SLS, so I try to meet the apparent winner of the Broadway Bomb ‘Mr. Kiefer Dixon’ I first tried emailing him, but I couldn’t find his email anywhere. So, I email the officials of Broadway Bomb and ask them if I could have his email, they simply said, “we do not store any information about competitors for more than a year”.

So, the person she from the Broadway Bomb office was exceptionally nice on the phone. I headed to the SLS office in downtown Manhattan and met the receptionist and asked her for an application form while I was filling out a form I met a bald guy with a leather jacket and black shirt. He didn’t look like a skateboarder to me, so I assumed his name was Andrew because his jacket had the name stitched on it. After about a minute after his appearance in my life, he faced towards me and told me that he saw potential in me and I replied, “and who are you again?” I asked him, “I’m Toad Fletcher, a Professional Skateboarder, and Coach”. He asked me if I was interested in Coaching for SLS League and I replied “Yes”. He asked me to be at Brooklyn Banks in New York at 6:00 in the morning.

So, I go there and I see nobody in a radius of at least a mile. I wait there for another hour and tuning and setting up my skateboard. He arrives with a group of

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