Introduction Preparing yourself for the future is important. Having an ideal profession planned out for yourself is needed. I want my future to go exactly how I have planned. I want to be a sports broadcaster. This is my goal and the profession that I have planned to be my job in the near future. Sports broadcasting is not the easiest job on the market. You have to look professional every day at work there are no lazy days. Pressure is on when you are in front of the camera everyone is watching you live on TV and you cannot stutter or mess up. Sports broadcasting requires you to know the sports that you are talking about and know the players as well as their history. Narration Sports broadcasting is a career where you are in front of a camera or in front of a crowd speaking about an athletic event. It is a job that …show more content…
I like to speak in front of people whether it is a big or small crowd. I am not camera shy at all. I feel like sports broadcasting would be a great career choice for me also because I love to dress up. I have no problem wearing make up and fixing my hair to look professional on a day-to-day basis. Sports broadcasting also requires a little bit of traveling and I really enjoy traveling no matter where. This job seems to fit me really well. I would be able to get paid doing something I love. Refutation/ confession The only downfall is I can think of to sports broadcasting is not being able to settle down in one spot with your family. It would be hard for me to attend my own children’s games if I am out broadcasting other games. I would be traveling frequently which would require me to not be home to raise my family. I do not yet have a family so now nothing is holding me back from achieving this goal. One day when I do eventually have a family this job might not be as practical but a news anchor would be in that is a very similar job.
As a sports director, his job is to report on local sporting events, such as Penn State football games. Though he loves his job, it is a huge time commitment. He enjoyed this very much when he was younger and only had to worry about himself, but now that he has a family and grandchildren, he wishes he knew how strict his schedule would have been. He also urges those starting out in the field to not get discouraged with the hierarchy within the field. Though sometimes you must make sacrifices to cover an event you may not necessarily want to attend, as you become more experienced you are given more preference over the events you wish to cover. It is also important to remember that you need to cover what the stations tells you because they are basing which events to cover on the audience, which is the most important component in this, or any other television related,
When watching or listing to a baseball game you can tell that the broadcasters are very knowledgeable about the sport, each team, players, etc.. However, this is something that just doesn’t happen over night since the complexity of this specific genre system inside the broadcasting discourse community. Remember that certain criteria of discourse communities according to novelist John Swales, “A discourse community has a broadly agreed set of common public goals” (Swales 220). These public goals can be achieved by genre systems. That’s why there has to be a lot of preparation by both the broadcasters and even more from those that work behind the scenes for the team to make this genre system function properly inside the broadcasting discourse community.
Throughout the sports industry, a wide variety of roles are assigned and expected to be fulfilled by diverse individuals. Among these roles, few are as wide ranging in responsibility as that of a sports information director. A sports information director (SID) is responsible for a wide variety of duties within the sports world, among them are Media relations, publications, writing and distributing press releases, and a multiplicity of other duties.
A job is a job. A career is commitment. My dream career is being a TV announcer, a NASCAR announcer to be specific. There are job opportunities all over the country and lots of them to go around for Tv announcer. I want to be a NASCAR announcer because I enjoy watching NASCAR and giving play by plays of school sports. For the job, you probably will need a bachelor's degree(4 years of college ) or at least an associate's degree (2 years)to get the job.
Sport Agents help collegiate athletes transition to amateur athletes. On behalf of the Professional Athletes’ Association, agents can only be considered certified if they are approved through them. The association must agree on each agent. As a part of guidelines to become a Sports Agent some things may include having a background check and agreeing to all the rules of the association. HR professionals are increasingly performing background screenings on job applicants and employees for information on criminal records, résumé falsehoods, drug use, and other data (HR Focus, 2007). Some professional leagues such as the NBA or NFL have certain rules when it comes to managing athletes’ funds. Special to the American Banker notes, “The agents, who often get power of attorney over their client's finances, take an estimated 3% to 5% of their players' salaries in financial management fees” (pg.1).
The price that we pay is the value that we associate to any product, whether it is a good or service. It is the compensation given to a person or authority to purchase an object or service. The greater the value associated to the product, the greater the price.
The business of sports is one of the fastest growing industries in the country. All over the world, many people participate as players and spectators in a variety of sporting activities, creating opportunities for the marketing of a company’s goods and services. An important part of the business of sports is sports marketing, which revolves around understanding consumer behavior and motivating target markets to purchase goods and services. Sports marketing at Clemson University has many different aspects ranging from sports and technology and sport law to sponsorship and sports economics.
The path that lead me to choose Sport Management as a major began at a young age where I demonstrated my admiration for sports. I have been participating in sports my entire life and still do to this day. Unfortunately, my time as an athlete will eventually come to an end and I will need to find an occupation that I have passion for. I asked myself the question, “Why not continue my passion in sports”? Being able to work with sports, but not directly in the spotlight, as an athlete is something I would love to be apart of.
Sports’ marketing is becoming more readily known as the vehicle that drives the sports business to success. It is “orientated toward consumers and about thinking, deciding and acting in terms of the final consumer. You have to know who your consumers are, what they want and need and use this effectively as a sports marketer orientating the drive more toward the market, not the product (Sports Marketing: The motor that drives the sports business
"If industry is to be successful in dealing with public opinion . . . it must learn the language of the people, it must consider the study of public opinion as important as any phase of its operations. It must recognize that public opinion can be measured, and utilize the increasingly scientific methods developing today for gauging it"(Ross)
Sports of old were merely competitive activities rooted in heroism and romanticism. Sports activities today, however, have no such innocence or simplicity. Currently in America, the activities that make up our sports culture is not only the competitive events themselves but the processes and issues that underlie and surround them. Entwined in our sports culture is the giant business of mass broadcasting. Indeed, sports and the media go hand in hand like peanut butter and jelly, like Mickey and Minnie, Darth Vader and Luke. They are intertwined and depend on each other to continue to grow. Sports media includes television, radio, magazines, newspapers, books, films, and, now, most importantly, social media devices provided by the
Did you know that there is more to sports teams than just scoring goals, touchdowns and runs? Sport management is a field concerning the business and education part of sports and recreation. It includes the front office system in professional sports, college sports, and recreation. Some examples of sport managers are: recreational sport managers, sport marketing, event management, facility management, sport economics, sport finance and sport information. Sport management can be seen as an easy job, but in reality it is complex and challenging.
When it comes to wanting a career in sports, there are multiple professions and paths that lead to your destination. However, of all the options, you better expect to work hard while keeping an open mind if you want to succeed in reaching your goal.
For the longest time I could not decide on a major and a career to study throughout college. When I came to Georgia Southern University I discovered that they had a major that was very interesting to me. Sport Management id the ideal major for my interest and me. Since I love sports I figured that this would be the career for me. A degree in Sport Management helps to prepare for success in sport related occupations.
Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions a person will make in their life. Most people try to pick the career with the best financial gain and something they would like to do for the rest of their life. Foremost it is wise to see what the job entails. Sport Management is perfect for those who enjoy helping and working with people, especially when dealing with sports. The next part of the decision-making process is looking through the various schooling and training required. Lastly, take into consideration the advantages and disadvantages. Usually with great salaries comes a big responsibility with high stress. “The sports industry in the U.S. is a $200-billion-dollar-plus powerhouse, with superstar