
Spread Of Islam In Africa

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The spread of Islam occurred differently in many different parts of the African continent in such places like North Africa, Western Sudan, and the Swahili coast. The Islamic religion spread slowly but was spread in a proficient way in that it grew to large numbers within Africa. After the spread of Islam in Medina, Muslim troops marched into Egypt around 641 A.D. and claimed Egypt as an Islamic State spreading the religion to the Egyptian people. Eventually, the Islamic Caliphate of Umayyad would travel to modern day Algeria and Morocco, in approximately 680 A.D., to spread to the word of Islam to Northern Africa. By the 10th Century, Islam was introduced by Berber traders from North Africa and created the three stages for adoption of …show more content…

By the 7th century, Islam had become many different divisional sects and started spreading to different parts of the world including North Africa. Egypt was the first conquest of the many Arab controlled cities in approximately 641 A.D. and the Muslim conquest of the Maghreb was to begin. As the Umayyad Caliphate started it conquest to create their Islamic States, the Byzantine Roman Empire would start losing its last remaining strongholds in Northern Africa. The Caliphate offered Islam to the Berber people as an alternative from the oppressed Byzantine government. The large number of Berbers inhabiting the Maghreb and thus created the spread of Islam in Northern Africa. These Berbers created an imperial dynasty in the 11th century, in Morocco, establishing the Almoravid State, lasting from 1040 – 1147 AD. The empire stretched over the North-Western Maghreb and Al-Andalus. The Berber people were known for their trading with products such as slabs of salt, textiles, and horses. They would travel across Sahara spreading Islam to the Western Sudan, while staying in their Islamic quarters for Muslims. Thus beginning the spread of Islam into Western …show more content…

As these people encountered the Berber trading groups they would be introduced to the religion and the spread of Islam would be a slow process consisting of the three stages; the Quarantine stage, “Court” stage, and the Majority stage. The Quarantine Stage was comprised of areas where Berbers stayed, or their Islamic quarters, once reaching West Africa. The “Court” Stage was the beginning of the adoption of Islam by elite traders coming across the desert and the advantage of doing so would be that they would be taught how to read and write so that they may be able to understand the Quran. The final stage, the Majority Stage, was when the majority of the Western Sudan people became Muslim. At this time in African Islamic history, Muslims adopted cosmopolitanism creating Islamic Empires and states. Some of the most dominant Islamic States, such as the city of Timbuktu in Mali, and was home to one of the most famous Islamic rulers the world may ever know, Mansa Musa. Mansa Musa lived from 1280 – 1337 AD as a 14th century emperor of the Mali Empire and is known as the richest man in history. Musa was a significant figure for his expedition to the holy city of Mecca in 1324. This Pilgrimage introduced him to the rulers of the Middle East and Europe, increasing Islamic education in Mali drastically with him adding Mosques, libraries, and universities in Mali.

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