
Sq 777 Pros And Cons

Satisfactory Essays

The way that State Question 777 is written, is both vague and misleading. It sounds good on paper but if this amendment is enacted, it would have several disadvantages. First off, I eat fruits, nuts and vegetables, many of which are dependent on pollination for their production. If SQ 777 passes, it would make it more difficult to ban chemicals which harm our bees and butterflies.

I am also concerned about the safety of farm laborers, since this amendment would prevent any enactment of labor laws which protect them from harm. This is especially concerning since Agriculture has been the deadliest U.S. industry every year for the last decade ( /2014/06/farm-deaths).

Another major concern is the health effects of antibiotics and other dangerous chemicals which are added to the animal feed. Any challenge to the agricultural technology and livestock practices, made by individuals or governmental agencies, would be subject to an unreasonable amount of “Strict scrutiny”. Our city cannot afford the legal costs to fight these losing battles. This amendment would create a special class of corporate citizens, which have not earned that level of protection. …show more content…

Besides, Oklahoma already has a “Right to Farm” statute. We support agriculture in this state already without giving away the proverbial

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