
St Vincent De Paul Society Research Paper

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St Vincent de Paul Society (Vinnies), is a Catholic organisation and one of Australia’s largest and most iconic charities. Vinnies helps people in need and doesn’t discriminate against others beliefs. St Vincent de Paul was founded by Frederic Ozanam in 1833. St Vincent de Paul works hand in hand with millions of people all over the world, such as, homeless people, elderly people, people who have suffered from natural disasters and people with disabilities. St Vincent de Paul is a great organisation that helps everyone in the wide community. St Vincent de Paul Society, has many members and volunteers that reach out and lend a helping hand to the most vulnerable in our community, through conferences, special works, and Vinnies shops. The members and volunteers assist people in …show more content…

Vinnies and the Catholic Church have a very close relationship, and assist each other through parishes and schools. Through the relationship between these two services, Vinnies has worked to make sure that they present the Catholic Social teachings, through most things they do. This religious organisations has shown the following teachings; Preferential Option of The Poor, as it lends a helping hand out to the homeless people and give them the support and resources they need, Dignity of The Human Person, as they don’t discriminate against peoples cultural, political and religious beliefs, Stewardship of Creation, as they have a green team, which is a group of young volunteers who provide gardening assistance for those who require help and The Common Good, as they work together to improve the wellbeing of people in the society and the wider world, also giving the opportunity for individuals, to personal possessions and community resources. In using the Social Catholic Teachings, Vinnies has developed a great mission to help people in need and to keep the environment

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