
Stages Of A Primary Study About Two Stages : Absolute Amnesia And Relative Amnesia

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A primary study about two-stage model is carried out in 2010. Jack and Hayne (2010) put forward that there was two developmental stages: absolute amnesia and relative amnesia. At the age of 4-6 years old, a noticeable increase in the number of memories recalled can be observed from experimental data. However, the number of participants involved in this study is 6 and this number is lacking for a common conclusion. Besides, all participants are aged 19 years, which has no experimental support and meaning. Since Madsen and Kim (2014) pointing out that significant developmental stages are infant, juvenile, preadolescent, preadolescent and adult, and to examine the age that childhood amnesia ends, this experiments will select participant from 3 age groups: 10-15 years old, 15-20 years old and 20-25 years old, representing preadolescent, preadolescent and adult respectively. In this way, the experimental result will be more accurate and universal. 3. Proposed experiment 3.1 Participants For my proposed experiment, 30 participants in total would be needed. These 30 participants will be divided into 3 age subgroups and they are 10-15 years old, 15-20 years old and 20-25 years old. These three age groups represent three significant stages of life: juvenile, teenager and adult. English is their mother language. Each age subgroups will be further divided into two gender groups so there will be 6 groups in total as follows: Group 1: 5 male aged from 10-15, 5 female aged from 10-15

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