
Standardized Tests In Schools

Decent Essays

School is supposed to be a place where children learn and are prepared to conquer themselves and the real world, but are there real potential being overseen and shunned? “A person described as being of ‘low ability’ now, in the present, is assumed to have more limited learning potential than those who may be judged to be ‘more able’,” says Claire Taylor. Does this mean that students who could be exemplary at things such as therapy, math, reading, or S.T.E.M., could potentially be overlooked, simply because they don't have the right environment to stretch their legs and prove their potential?

“I feel like I have the ability to do a lot of things, but the way the school system is set up, I also feel like I’m unable to present my real abilities,” Says Skylar Gold of Omaha Middle School. It probably doesn’t help that students who are lucky enough to be in programs such as Algebra, or IMPACT make the other students feel insecure. Just because they can recite the Gettysburg Address, doesn't mean they're smart enough to be able to realize that being narcissistic towards those students only limits their potential more. …show more content…

The goal of the assessments is to provide a yardstick to evaluate student performance across state standards.” Says Concordia University, a supporter of the current school system. But what if “providing a yardstick” isn't enough to truly evaluate a student's

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